South Waikato District Plan

12 General District Wide Matters

12.8-SIGN Signs


Signs are a means of providing community, consumer and destination information and safety messages and traffic controls. They range in type and scale from large billboards; signs displaying the name of a property, free standing signs, signs attached to or painted onto buildings, to illuminated and/or moving signs and digital displays.

If not carefully managed signs have the potential to cause visual clutter and undermine the character and amenity values of an area. To ensure signs are compatible with an area, their scale, number, illumination and placement are matters provided for in this chapter.



To minimise the adverse effects of signs on the character of rural, residential, industrial, commercial and town centres.


To ensure that signs and business advertising do not compromise visual amenity and traffic safety.



To restrict the number and size of signs in rural, residential, industrial, commercial and town centres to avoid cluttering of the landscape.


To avoid the visual impact and traffic safety impacts of general advertising by adoption of a site dependency criteria for all signs for rural, residential, commercial and industrial areas.


To ensure that traffic safety is maintained by carefully managing the location and design of any signs visible from roadways.

SIGN- Rules

SIGN-R1 PER Activities

Subject to

(a) The installation of any signs by the road controlling authority on land vested as road or designated as road

SIGN-R4 where relevant

(b) TCZ

(a) In Tirau - maximum 3m2 in area with no limit on the number of signs; and R3(1(a)-(e)

(b) In PREC1-Putaruru and PREC3-Tokoroa signs on verandahs shall not exceed 12m2 in area or 2m in height; and R3(1)(a)-(h)

(c) Illumination of signs within PREC3-Tokoroa is PER, including flashing or other movement

(d) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(c) COMZ

(a) Free-standing signs must not exceed one per road frontage, with a maximum size of 20m2 (excluding heritage building sites listed in SCHED1-HH in each direction (maximum two directions) and up to 10m2 of ancillary signage elsewhere on the site.

(b) Within PREC1-Putaruru for sites greater than one hectare up to two freestanding signs are PER excluding heritage building sites listed in SCHED1-HH

(c) SIGN-R3(1)(a)-(h) and SIGN-R4 where relevant

(d) NCZ

(a) Signs on or under verandahs are limited to one per shop and shall not exceed 3m2

(b) Illumination of signs is permitted provided that the illumination is static, with no flashing or other movement

(c) SIGN-R3(1)(a)-(c) and (e)

(d) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(e) GRZ

(a) No sign shall exceed 0.75m2 in area, or exceed 3m in height, except at Tokoroa Hospital where there shall be no maximum sign area

(b) Only one sign per property is permitted in Putaruru and Tirau

(c) SIGN-R3(1)(a)-(d) and (f)

(d) SIGN-R4 where relevant


(a) One free-standing double-sided sign or sign that is attached to a building per property is permitted. No sign shall exceed 0.75m2 in area, with no dimension being greater than 1m, and be no more than 2m in height above the adjacent ground level.

(b) Illumination of signs is permitted provided that the illumination is static, with no flashing or other movement

(c) Signs shall not detrimentally affect traffic safety by creating a visual obstruction or by causing confusion to motorists, or reduce or obstruct the visibility of official signs or traffic signals

(d) SIGN-R3(1)(a) and (c)

(e) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(g) GIZ

(a) Free-standing signs must not exceed one per road frontage, with a maximum size of 12m2 in each direction (maximum two directions). There is no limit on the size or number of signs erected for directional, health and safety or other operational purposes.

(b) SIGN-R3(1)(a) – (d), (f)-(i)

(c) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(h) GRZ

(a) One free-standing double-sided sign or sign that is attached to a building per property is PER

(b) No sign shall exceed 3m2 in area, with no dimension being greater than 2m, and be no more than 2m in height above the adjacent ground level

(c) Directional and interpretative signs relating to reserves, and to land managed by the Department of Conservation are PER, and need not comply with (a) and (b) above and R3(1)(a)

(d) Information and promotional signs erected by the Council, and official signs are permitted. Such signs need not comply with (a) and (b) above and R3(1)(a)

(e) SIGN-R3(1)(a) – (d), and (f)-(i)

(f) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(i) RLZ

(a) One free-standing double-sided sign or sign that is attached to a building per property is PER

(b) No sign shall exceed 3m2 in area, with no dimension being greater than 2m, and be no more than 2m in height above the adjacent ground level

(c) Information and promotional signs erected by the Council, and official signs are PER. Such signs need not comply with (a) and (b) above and R3(1)(a)

(d) SIGN-R3(1)(a)-(d) and (f) –(i)

(e) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(j) SPZ- ELG

(a) No sign shall exceed 3m2 in area or be more than 3m in height. There is no limit on the number of signs per site

(b) Other than traffic signs, all signs must relate to the electric power generating activity within the zone, such as facility signs, safety signs, visitor information signs, and directional signs

(c) Illumination of signs is PER provided that the illumination is static, with no flashing or other movement

(d) Signs shall not detrimentally affect traffic safety by creating a visual obstruction or by causing confusion to motorists, or reduce or obstruct the visibility of official signs or traffic signals

(e) SIGN-R3(1)(c)and (d)

(f) SIGN-R4 where relevant


(a) Free-standing signs must not exceed one per road frontage, with a maximum size of 12m2 in each direction (maximum two directions) and up to 10m2 of ancillary signage elsewhere on the site

(b) Signs shall not detrimentally affect traffic safety by creating a visual obstruction or by causing confusion to motorists, or reduce or obstruct the visibility of official signs or traffic signals

(c) Illumination of signs is permitted, provided that the illumination is static, with no flashing or other movement

(d) SIGN-R3(1)(a), (c) and (e)

(e) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(l) On buildings/structures listed in SCHED1–HH, and on sites where these buildings/structures are located:

i) Official signs

ii) Signs providing information or interpretation of a Heritage Feature;


(a) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(m) Other signs on buildings/structures listed in SCHED1–HH, and on sites where these buildings/structures are located


(a) SIGN-R3(2)

(b) SIGN-R4 where relevant

SIGN-R2 RDIS Activities

Subject to

(1) Signs on buildings/structures listed in SCHED1-HH, and on the sites where those buildings/structures are located, that do not comply with R3(2) are RDIS.


Matters of discretion

(a) The extent to which any sign including supporting structures, detracts from the heritage significance or values of a heritage building.

(b) Whether any sign obscures or detracts from the architectural values of the building/structure including decorative detailing, structural divisions, windows or doorways.

(c) Whether additional signs will detract from the heritage details of the building/structure.

(d) The extent to which the design of the sign and the graphics and the colour are compatible with the building/structure or site.

(e) Whether the means of fixing the sign to a scheduled building or structure, including associated cabling or wiring for illuminated signs, will adversely affect the heritage fabric and heritage values of the scheduled building or structure.

(f) Whether the intensity of illumination will adversely affect the heritage values of the building or structure.

(g) The extent to which the location, size and colour of the signs detracts from the recognised character and values of the heritage items included in APP1-SCHED1-HH

(h) SIGN-R4 where relevant

(2) Any PER activity not meeting any standard

(a) In assessing applications that have become RDIS due to non-compliance with the plan’s standards, but which otherwise would have been PER, Council has restricted its discretion over matters related to the effect of allowing non-compliance with the particular standard (or standards) which the proposal has failed to meet. Conditions may be imposed to avoid, remedy or mitigate the effects of non-compliance.

(b) SIGN-R4 where relevant

SIGN – R3 Standards

R3(1) Standards for all Zones

(a) The sign must advertise the name of a business located on the property or otherwise relate to activities located on the property. This requirement does not apply to Tokoroa Hospital internal signs required to provide directions, safety instructions and information for staff and visitors within any site, for each activity which is PER or for which a resource consent has been granted.

(b) Signs shall not detrimentally affect traffic safety by creating a visual obstruction or by causing confusion to motorists

(i) A sign must not mimic the design, wording, graphics, shape or colour of an official traffic sign

(ii) A sign may not prevent the driver of a vehicle from having a clear and unobstructed view of official traffic signs or signals, approaching or merging traffic or any corner, bend, intersection or vehicle crossing.

(c) The owner of a sign shall be responsible for ensuring that it is well maintained

(d) Signs on the Built Heritage Features listed in SCHED1-HH and on the sites where those features are located shall comply with R3(2)

(e) There is no size limit on signs on or attached to and within the physical building dimensions of, the walls or fascias of the building.

(f) In a speed environment of 70km/h and over, a sign must not incorporate reflective materials, flashing illumination, aerial display, animated display, moving display or any other non-static two- or three- dimensional mechanism designed to catch attention.

(g) Signs in areas with a speed limit greater than 50km/h shall be limited to a maximum of six words or 40 characters, and shall not be produced with the aid of reflective material

(h) The minimum height of all lettering on signs adjoining roads with a speed limit of 60km/h, 70km/h or 80km/h shall be 160mm.

(i) The height of all lettering on signs adjoining roads with a speed limit of 100km/h shall meet the following minimum size:

Operating speed

Lettering height (mm)


Main message

Property name

Secondary message






















(j) Signs include all parts, portions and materials composing the same, together with the frame, structure and support of anchorage and shall also include any name, figure, character, outline display, notice, placard, delineation, poster, handbill, flag, wind blade, tethered balloon, pole sign, canopy sign, projection of light to create an advertising image, blimp, models and advertising devices, appliances or any other thing of a similar nature to attract attention (i.e. something of an advertising nature)  when displayed on parked vehicular trailers, and includes any structure that supports the sign.

(k) Also refer to LIGHT-R3

R3(2) Standards for Built Heritage features or the site of a Built Heritage feature

(a) Standards Applying in all zones

(i) The sign must advertise the name of a business located on the property or otherwise relate to activities located on the property.

(ii) If on the building, the sign shall be on the ground floor level of the building, and shall not:

  • Be internally illuminated or made of reflective materials,
  • Be placed over features for which the building is noted in SCHED1-HH, or any building names, plaster detailing or fretwork
  • Cover any window or door, or
  • Protrude beyond the verandah or roof of the building.
  • If hung on the body of the building, the sign shall be hung at right angles to the building to avoid covering the façade.

(iii) If on the building, the sign shall be attached by methods appropriate to the building structure, being Anka-screws or chemset anchors or similar product for concrete/stone or brick buildings, and by a support system for a wooden building.

(b) Standards Applying in GRZ

(i) If on the site, the maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be 2m.

(ii) There shall be no more than one sign of no greater than 0.5m² on a building/structure or the site listed in SCHED1-HH, to denote the name, or purpose of the activity undertaken on the site.

(c) Standards Applying in GRUZ and RLZ

(i) If on the site, the maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be 2m

(ii) The amount of signage on a building/structure shall not exceed 10% of the building/structure façade, while total signage on the building/structure and the site listed in SCHED1-HH shall not exceed 3m²

(d) Standards Applying in TCZ and COMZ

(i) If on the site, the maximum height of a freestanding sign shall be 4m.

(ii) The amount of signage on a building/structure shall not exceed 10% of the building/structure façade, while total signage on the building/structure and the site listed in SCHED1-HH shall not exceed 10m²

SIGN-R4 Other Plan Matters

The following matters also may be relevant:

(1) Section 7.1 Energy, 7.2 Infrastructure, 7.3 Transportation

(2) Section 8.1 Contaminated Land, 8.2 Hazardous Substances

(3) Section 9.1 Historic Heritage, 9.2 Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori

(4) Section 10.1 Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity, 10.2 Natural Character, 10.3 Natural Features and Landscapes, 10.4 Public Access

(5) Chapter 11 Subdivision      

(6) Section 12.1 All Activities

(7) Section 12.2 Activities on the Surface of Water, 12.3 Air Emissions, 12.4 Earthworks, 12.6 Light, 12.7 Noise, 12.9 Temporary Activities

(8) Part 3- Any relevant zone or overlay

SIGN- Other Methods


This plan does not restrict sandwich board signs on footpaths, which are subject to Council’s Public Places Bylaw.

SIGN- Anticipated Environmental Results


Land use and development of new activities is based on a legitimate need for a rural location.


The town centre provides a vibrant, fully developed and tenanted retail and commercial area that serves the needs of the town and surrounding rural area.


The town centres provide an attractive/visually appealing, safe and easily accessible environment for residents, passing travellers and pedestrians.