South Waikato District Plan

9 Historical and Cultural Values

9.2-SASM Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori


Raukawa considers that the loss of cultural heritage is one of the most important matters affecting South Waikato. This includes cultural landscapes, wāhi tapu and other sites of significance, access to places and resources (such as rongoa and mahinga kai), loss of traditional names. The district includes many wāhi tapu, wāhi taonga, and other sites of significance. Effective systems, information, and resources need to be utilised to preserve, enhance, record and provide for these historical and cultural taonga. Cultural landscape values are still largely unrecognised, poorly understood and very little protection of these values is afforded. Archaeological sites however have legal protection under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.



To recognise and provide for the cultural, spiritual, economic and social values of tangata whenua when managing the District’s natural and physical resources.


Acknowledge and provide for the kaitiaki role of tangata whenua when assessing proposals for subdivision, use and development.


To conserve the cultural and heritage values of sites of significance to Māori, while enabling primary production and other activities in a rural location.


To recognise and provide for the special relationship of Māori with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu and other taonga.


To safeguard the significant historical, cultural, and landscape, values of the Waikato River and its margins.


To safeguard the significant historical, cultural, landscape, natural and recreational values associated with the high quality water resources of Te Waihou River and its tributaries.


To recognise and provide for the relationship Raukawa and the Te Arawa River Iwi as Tangata Whenua have with the Waikato River, sites of significance, taonga, wāhi tapu, and the landscapes of the district.



Identify sites of cultural, traditional, and spiritual significance to Māori, on the planning maps and in SCHED2-CH including cultural landscapes and ensure appropriate protection is provided to them through agreed plan making and resource consenting processes.


Recognise and provide in decision-making for the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu (sacred sites), and other taonga (treasures), including by improving public access to rivers and other waterways.



DIS activities within GRUZ

Subject to

Modifications to sites of significance to Māori in SCHED2-CH

Matters of discretion

(a) The standards within the relevant zone

(b) SASM-R2 as a guide

(c) Whether the proposal would have an adverse effect on the values of cultural heritage items identified by this plan (Refer: SCHED2-CH)

(d) Means to mitigate effects of the development upon the relationship of Raukawa and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu and other taonga.


SASM- R2-Other Plan Matters

The following also may be relevant:

(1) Section 7.1 Energy, 7.2 Infrastructure, 7.3 Transportation

(2) Section 8.1 Contaminated Land, 8.3 Natural Hazards

(3) Section 9.1 Historic Heritage

(4) Section 10.1 Ecosystems and Indigenous Biodiversity, 10.2 Natural Character, 10.3 Natural Features and Landscapes

(5) Chapter 11 Subdivision       

(6) Section 12.1 All Activities

(7) Section 12.3 Air Emissions, 12.4 Earthworks, 12.9 Temporary Activities

SASM– Other Methods


Facilitate greater public awareness of Tangata Whenua historical and cultural heritage, in association with Raukawa.


Development of a Cultural Landscape Plan in conjunction with Raukawa, including consideration of a cultural landscape protection plans for the hills north of Tīrau, in consultation with affected landowners.


The development of a Te Waihou /Blue Spring Co-Management Plan involving Raukawa, the Regional Council, and the Department of Conservation.


Development of an agreed process (information protocol) for sharing and updating information between Council and Raukawa on registered archaeological sites information, wāhi tapu and wāhi taonga.  Sites are not currently shown on the planning maps, and instead are kept in a register outside the plan which includes “silent file” procedures for sensitive information.


An information protocol that clearly identifies how and what information layers can be shared with the public to give effect to the district plan, and who will pay for the costs associated with the information collation, quality assurance, provision and upkeep.


Providing special heritage incentives in the form of financial assistance, advice, site identification and other appropriate means specified from time to time in the Council's Long-Term Plan.


Liaising and co-operating with landowners of heritage sites, tangata whenua and other groups and organisations involved in the protection of features of heritage value.


Standard HNZPT Taonga Archaeological Discovery Protocol.


NZAA Archsite recording system, and archaeological authority requirements of the Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.

SASM- Principal Reasons


European development has also resulted in historic heritage dispersed throughout the rural area. The relationship of Tangata Whenua and their culture and traditions with their ancestral lands, water, sites, wāhi tapu and other taonga, and later European development, has resulted in historic heritage also dispersed throughout the rural area.

SASM- Anticipated Environmental Results


The water resources of Putaruru and the cultural heritage of Tokoroa and Putaruru are celebrated through art displays in public places.


Places of recognised heritage value in the GRUZ are protected.


The cultural and heritage values of sites of significance to Maori are conserved and protected, while enabling primary production and other activities in a rural location.


The relationship Raukawa and the Te Arawa River Iwi as Tangata Whenua have with the Waikato River and the sites of significance and wāhi tapu identified in the District Plan is recognised and strengthened.


The significant historical and cultural values associated with the high quality water resources of Te Waihou River and its tributaries are safeguarded. 

SCHED2-CH  Cultural Heritage Sites

(As shown on Planning Maps)

Site Name

Site ID

Type of Site

Legal Description

Valuation Number

Map Reference/GPS

Te Kōwhatu o Hatupatu (Hatupatu’s Rock)



Wāhi Tapu

On legal road (SH1, Atiamuri)


Adjoins 0541400550

NVO Map 13



