South Waikato District Plan
Operative District Plan - January 2024
(National Planning Standards Compliant)

Public Notice

View the Public Notice notifying of changes to the District Plan

Table of Contents


PART 1- Introduction and General Provisions

1 Introduction

1.1   Forword or Mahi

1.2   Purpose

2 How the Plan Works

2.1   Statutory Context

2.2   Relationship to Other District Strategies and Plans

2.3   General Approach

2.4   How to Use this District Plan

2.5   Managing Cross Boundary Matters

2.6   Monitoring Environmental Outcomes

2.7   Relationships Between Spatial Layers

3 Interpretation

3.1   Definitions

3.1   Abbreviations

4 National Direction Instruments

4.1   National Policy Statements

4.2   National Environmental Standards

4.2   National Environmental Standards

4.3   Regulations

5 Mana Whenua

PART 2 - District-Wide Matters

6 Matters of Strategic Direction

6.1   Enhacing the Vibrancy of the District's Towns

6.2   Managing and Providing for Infrastructre, Communications and Major Industrial Sites

6.3   Managing Landscape, Natural Values and Indigenous Biodiversity

6.4   Recognising Tangata Whenua Values

6.5   Safeguarding the Productive Potential of Rual Areas

6.6   The Health and Wellbeing of the Waikato River

6.7   Urban Form and Development

7 Energy Infrastructure and Transport

7.1   Energy

7.2   Infrastructure

7.3   Transport

8 Hazards and Risks

8.1   Contaminated Land

8.2   Hazardous Substances

8.3   Natural Hazards

9 Historical and Cultural Values

9.1   Historic Heritage

9.2   Sites and Areas of Significance to Māori

10 Natural Environmental Values

10.1   Ecosystems & Indigenous Biodiversity

10.2   Natural Character

10.3   Natural Features and Landscapes

10.4   Public Access

11 Subdivision
12 General District Wide Matters

12.1   All Activities

12.2   Actvities on the Surface of the Water

12.3   Air Emmissions

12.4   Earthworks

12.5   Financial Contributions

12.6   Light

12.7   Noise

12.8   Signs

12.9   Temporary Activities

PART 3 - Area-Specific Matters

13 Area Specific Matters

13.1   General Residential Zone

13.2   General Rural Zone

13.3   Rural Lifestyle Zone

13.4   Mixed Use Zone-Settlement Zone

13.5   Town Centre Zone

13.6   Commercial Zone

13.7   General Industrial Zone

13.8   Neighbourhood Centre Zone

14 General Purpose Zones

14.1   Tokoroa Airport

14.2   Electricity Generation

15 Designations

PART 4 - Appendices and Maps


APP1 Heritage Inventory Print

APP2 Catchment Stream Patterns and Landuse Print

APP3 Statutory Acknowledgments Print


Note: District Plan Maps are now published to our GIS service.
South Waikato District Council Map Services